Tuesday, May 7, 2013


It is so very easy to like Facebook status messages and say "Hang those criminals who raped the girl". But believe me had we changed ourselves we could have had stopped these kind of heinous crimes against women. We need to believe that our job is far from being done by just liking different Facebook posts and writing some gibberish in that white space of FACEBOOK which keeps on asking "What's on your mind ?"

Today after a year I am really feeling proud that I was one of those three guys who actually took part to foil a rape attempt. Last year in Thailand in the Phuket beach we found a German girl in a completely inebriated state. Three goons who had guns on them were trying to take advantage of the almost unconscious girl. It was Rahul Brahma who first spotted that girl and he was the first one who took the initiative to stop those three men, even though they were armed. To be honest initially me too was scared and did not want to get into trouble because we were in a foreign country and those three hooligans were actually armed and were looking very aggressive. But got inspired by Rahul and were actually able to stop those three bastards and rescued the girl. Had we not been there only GOD knows what would have happened to that girl. Today I am really feeling proud that along with Rahul Brahma and Manjir Sen we actually rescued a girl from getting raped. I also realized that men who try to rape are actually cowards even though they might be armed. Even today the very feeling of what would have had happened to the girl if we had not been there, sends a shiver down my spine.

So if you really want to stop crime against woman, then stand up and protest whenever you see someone trying to take advantage of a girl or trying to do something wrong with them. Believe me just by liking Facebook posts wont help. To be a man you do not need courage, but you need to have that Intent to stop crime against women. Just don't be an onlooker when you see a girl being molested in the streets. Protest against those who pass lewd comments against girls and stand up against those who are trying to do something wrong against women. Only then we can make India a safer place for our Mothers, Sisters,Wives and the entire women race. Grow some balls and be a real "MAN".

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