Thursday, May 30, 2013


Once upon a time there was king who had all the wealth and power of the world. He wanted to bring the whole world under his rule. He was brutal and murdered everyone who came in his way. He murdered a million people, including children and women. He had no respect for anyone, and all the kings started to fear him and surrendered to him. But still he spared no one. Wherever he went there were mountains of dead bodies and severed heads. Then came an unclad saint in his way, who dared to stop him. The cruel king was astonished by the courage of the saint and ordered his men to capture him. The king was even more surprised seeing the saint laugh. “ Why are you laughing, aren’t you scared of death?. Don’t you know that you will be beheaded now ?”, asked the befuddled king. The saint smiled and replied, “Fear is for you loser, you can kill everyone, you can conquer the whole world, you can enslave every man alive, but you will never live peacefully, as you will never be able to conquer your mind. You are greedy, you are power hungry, as it is your mind who controls you. But I am free from all the worldly desires as I have conquered my mind, its me who drive my mind not the opposite. That is why I am happy, I am not scared of anything, not even death”. The king for the first time did not know what to do. He kept on staring blankly at the saint and could not utter a word. “You are a loser my king, if you kill me now you would lose to your mind and if you let me free then you would be a lose to me. So in either case you will be a loser, as you have been always”, continued the saint. Dejected and humiliated, the king used his own sword to behead the saint. But the king knew that he was a loser and finally left his kingdom and never came back. Nobody knew what happened to him after that.  

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

"Mind" my best friend

A few days back I was in a pensive mood and was getting bored. I got out of my house and started walking down the memory lane. Its been after hundred years that I took the lane. It was that lane, where I and my mind used to play together. At that time my mind used to be my best friend, I used to text her and she was prompt enough to reply me back. The world used to envy our relationship, they never wanted us to be together. Her eyes were full of life which compelled me to live, she was that droplet of water, which even the ocean wanted to drink. Even the most fragrant of the flowers were jealous of her scent. By seeing the calmness of her face, even the wildest of tornadoes used to recede. Whenever I used to feel lonely, I used to call her and she was always there to answer my call, and she had that secret elixir which cured all my wounds. But she was scared of the ghosts that used to haunt her, when the tired sun hid behind the horizon. The ghosts were so scary that the moon did not dare to come over there. Plagued by the darkness and scared by the ghosts, my best friend, mind left her home forever for an unknown destination, leaving me alone. It was one of the darkest nights of my life, the star that used to guide me in the darkest of the roads was no more there. Then one day another good friend of mine, intuition called me up and said that she is now in another planet far from where I am now. Long time back residents of that planet used to rule our earth. I am heading for that planet to get my mind back. I want to put my smile on her lips, I want to take away all her tears, I want to free her from all her fears, worries and apprehensions. All her dreams will now become our dream, and I will make sure that we will realize them one day.  

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Time and time again, I draw close to you, just like you have done the many days before. Whether it’s out of stupidity, curiosity, plain simple impure love or perhaps even the joy of torturing you, I do not know. As I come closer to you, you lean against those steel bars which are between me and you, the restraints pulling on your ankles and the bars pressing against your chest. And just like those other times, you lash out to grab on to my shirt and then you jump away, just barely out of my grasp, as you always do. The smell of you burning flesh reaches me before the sound of your silent crying does and I look at your wrists, the faint red color of a burn peeking out below the palm. You eye me with those horrible free teal eyes with the darkest shadow drops in them before leaving with a solid thud of the mahogany wood door. You know I’ll be back again tomorrow, the electric current between our tacit conversation and locked gazes, an addiction you can’t stop.
The squeak of the door opening makes you turn towards me. You repeat your routine, standing just within my range and looking down at me with sadness. I don’t move, a predicament in this most repeated of routines, and your eyes wrinkle with confusion. Below your scent of freedom and fresh light air, is the tainting undercurrent of blood,decay,and rotting of flesh . You move as far away as you can from me as possible, until your back is against the bars with bruising force. You instantly realize what’s wrong and to my surprise, produce a key from that sterling golden chain around your neck. The loud boom of the heavy padlock hitting the floor echoes around with an afterthought of the door hinges screeching open. You close it behind you, immediately murdering my hope of getting around you to free yourself from all the pain of this world. You lift your hands up in innocence and I can see that red drops of blood flowing through your wrists. My only motto is to stop that blood from coming out and take you to a place where there will be only me and you, where there will be no pain but only love, peace and serenity.


Every single day, when I see the raindrops falling from the vast blue expanse and my mind wanders to you, the hot sunshine gracing your beautiful caramel face. You turn your face towards the light, emerald eyes shaded from it with your big full eye lashes and my heart wrenches in my chest. The memory is ruined, shattering like the mirror falling from a ten storied building. Another replaces it, more so like the weather of Kolkata. You are crying, curled in on yourself and you’re sitting in the farthest corner of our room. The corner farthest from me and from my eyes. I remember stepping through the staircase, carrying the bags hanging from my arms and hearing them slide off, tumbling to the ground with thuds and breaking glass. That would have been the vase for your flowers but my mind had simply forgotten about it when I saw you crying and the bloody mess on the carpet in the bedroom. You had murdered the devil who was the messenger of darkness and gloom, those evils had sent after you, just like I had taught you. I then realized why you had been crying. I understood that you now knew how to fight your own battles and you have become matured enough to need me. I no more meant anything to you because my usefulness to you was over. You hated this life and constantly being on the run from them and thinking they could catch us at any moment. My heart wanted to be selfish and wanted to kill you but my logical mind together with his accomplice my tender heart made forced me not to do so. And you were gone from my life forever and I was left from your memories forever and I promise I will never come back.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

My Village

In our village "Rays of Hope" and "Peace" were two best friends. Everybody in the village used to be very happy and they lived peacefully. Everybody used to live in harmony. Everyone used to treat each other as family. But then the village was attacked by a rogue, power hungry queen, whose only aim was to suck money from the poor, take away all the crops from the farmer and disintegrate the harmony of the villagers. She, together with her men killed the villagers, looted the treasury and made the village a living hell for the villagers. The two best friends started a movement against the queen. They started revolting against the queen and took on the might of the evil queen. But they were too weak. When the queen came to know about the conspiracy, she ordered her men to execute the two revolutionaries. To prevent further uprising the queen's men murdered "Peace" brutally in broad daylight and in full public view. Unable to bear the brunt of the tyranny and gruesome killings by the queen and her men, the villagers lost their sight, and became deaf and dumb. "Rays of hope" somehow escaped. And he is now the man who can save the villagers from this evil, tyrannical so called "SISTER" queen.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Strength to Fight

Time and time again I look in to your eyes in the mirror and l promise myself that I will be strong, I will keep this contained and I will keep us moving. My strength will become our strength and we will come out victorious from the gory battle, no matter whatever hellish thing is thrown at us. We will survive to watch another sunrise, we will survive to fight another battle, and I promise together we will bring all the evil forces down to their knees.
I will see to it that you get up from the ruins and fight the world without getting bogged down. I promise you however devilish that moster is , I will never leave your hand. If you have nightmares tonight, I will make sure to take the burden off from your shoulders. You could start to become dependent on me for draining your pain from your eyes and I could start to feel the side effects of your pain which is a constant feeling of fright. In that moment, I form a resolve as I steal your fear,pain, hatred and anguish from you, by beheading all those evil monsters who planned to kill us.

Thursday, May 9, 2013


Long time back I used to live alone in the mountains, behind the forests, all by myself. I used to hunt animals, cook their meat and then eat them. I fought all those demons and monsters and kept them away from the peaceful forest. Those were gory battles. Then one day, they conspired against me. They formed an army which consisted of millions of monsters, devils, and they were joined by an army of dead. They had only one motto, and that was to bring me down. I was not afraid, I got all my arms ready and I decided to fight them alone. They had swords, knives, clubs, machetes everything one can think of. But I had a powerful, sharp, heavy sword, which was more than three times my height, but it was not enough. After beheading more than a million monsters I was feeling tired, my head was spinning and my muscles were sore and cramping. The monsters saw this as the best opportunity to kill me and and they attacked me. I did fall on the ground, helpless and was blankly staring at the sword that was coming down to sever my head. But I was surprised, to find it was his head which was separated from his body. I saw the bodies of the monsters got cut into pieces and were flying everywhere. The ones that were trying to kill me, were running away from me. I stood up and saw my old friends were back. Till that day I was an atheist, and neither believed in God nor in religion, but after that day I started believing in the religion called "friendship".

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Best Friend

There was a time, when I used to live alone in a cave, all by myself. I used to hunt animals and used to eat them. I fought all those demons and monsters and kept them away. Those were gory battles. Then one day, they conspired against me. They formed an army which consisted of millions of monsters, devils, and they were joined by an army of dead. They had only one motto, and that was to bring me down. I was not afraid, I got all my arms ready and I decided to fight them alone. They had swords, knives, clubs,machets everything one can think of. But I had a powerful, sharp, heavy sword, which was more than three times my height, but it was not enough. After beheading a million monsters I was feeling tired, my head was spinning and my muscles were sore. The monsters saw this as the best opportunity to kill me and and they attacked me in packs. I fell on the ground, helpless and was blankly staring at the sword that was coming down to sever my neck. But suddenly I saw the bodies of the monsters flying everywhere. The ones that were trying to kill me, were trying to run away from me. Then I saw their bodies were cut into pieces. I stood up and saw my old friends were back. Till that day I was an atheist, and neither believed in God nor in religion, but after that day I started believing in the religion called "friendship".

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Happiness our relationship is so very weird and at the same time so very amazing. We may only meet each other for a couple of days once in a decade. When you bid me adieu I never know will I be able to meet you ever again, who knows you may sever all ties with me. Its been ages since I felt U the last time. But still as I said, hope never dies and expectations never fade away. Always feel U beside me, U are so very much palpable. My life is incomplete without U. Happiness you are truly awesome, however ephemeral that feeling might be.


It is so very easy to like Facebook status messages and say "Hang those criminals who raped the girl". But believe me had we changed ourselves we could have had stopped these kind of heinous crimes against women. We need to believe that our job is far from being done by just liking different Facebook posts and writing some gibberish in that white space of FACEBOOK which keeps on asking "What's on your mind ?"

Today after a year I am really feeling proud that I was one of those three guys who actually took part to foil a rape attempt. Last year in Thailand in the Phuket beach we found a German girl in a completely inebriated state. Three goons who had guns on them were trying to take advantage of the almost unconscious girl. It was Rahul Brahma who first spotted that girl and he was the first one who took the initiative to stop those three men, even though they were armed. To be honest initially me too was scared and did not want to get into trouble because we were in a foreign country and those three hooligans were actually armed and were looking very aggressive. But got inspired by Rahul and were actually able to stop those three bastards and rescued the girl. Had we not been there only GOD knows what would have happened to that girl. Today I am really feeling proud that along with Rahul Brahma and Manjir Sen we actually rescued a girl from getting raped. I also realized that men who try to rape are actually cowards even though they might be armed. Even today the very feeling of what would have had happened to the girl if we had not been there, sends a shiver down my spine.

So if you really want to stop crime against woman, then stand up and protest whenever you see someone trying to take advantage of a girl or trying to do something wrong with them. Believe me just by liking Facebook posts wont help. To be a man you do not need courage, but you need to have that Intent to stop crime against women. Just don't be an onlooker when you see a girl being molested in the streets. Protest against those who pass lewd comments against girls and stand up against those who are trying to do something wrong against women. Only then we can make India a safer place for our Mothers, Sisters,Wives and the entire women race. Grow some balls and be a real "MAN".


Time and time again, when I look at you in the mirror, you give me the advice on how to be calm, how not to react when under pressure, and how to suppress that gargantuan ego. You are my best friend. But at times you forget that “ego” is the one that will never leave you even when the entire world is conspiring against you. And that is the reason why I love my ego and will continue to do so. What happens if your life were to be ripped apart in the blink of an eye? How do you continue to walk on, your family gone, your friends gone and so too your loved ones. How did your life change so quickly, your bindings to this world torn from you in less than a second? How do you stop it from happening again? Don't blink and let a moment go by where you let destiny and fate steer the course of your life. Don't let people make decisions for you; stand up and speak out against those who try to exploit you or insult you. Make your life worth living and make a difference to someone else’s life, even if you may never see them again. A random act of kindness can change the world for someone, and at the same time a random act of stupidity can hurt someone so bad that it can ruin their entire life. It is an absolute must to make your life something to be remembered by all of those that stay behind while you move ahead. May the first rays of the sun everyday brush away your last actions and makes the new day ahead a blank paper where you can paint someone else’s life. Let all the bonds go and live your life and love your ego .

Indian "Rapist" Men

The Chinese army was after me, they were trying to gun me down. I was running as fast as I could. Then I heard the cries of a baby. I stopped and looked through the window, what I saw next was horrible. I saw a father was trying to kill his baby girl. I tried to stop him and asked why he wanted to kill her daughter. What he said was even worse. He said that this is our "INCREDIBLE INDIA" and if he does not kill her today, tomorrow somebody else will RAPE her and then kill her. So the only way to protect her is by killing her. I started crying and was shot in the head by the Chinese army and then I woke up. My mother was serving me tea and I realized without this female race I would have been nothing, and also realized that these Chinese Troupes are not the problem, but the "INDIAN MEN" are.

The Murderers who killed millions of people

That thin man was chased by "fear of failure". He was running really fast, and was trying his best. But "fear of failure" was running after him with full of energy and that poor man was no match for him. "Fear of failure" knocked him down, and he was joined by his friend whose name was "Burden of Expectation". They both beat that poor man to death, slit his veins, and made him drink poison, it was a cold blooded murder. But "Fear of Failure" and "Burden of Expectation" got away with this heinous crime as the cops thought it was a case of SUICIDE, and the two murderers are still roaming free looking for a new victim.

Good Man

He was a good man. Everything was going perfect for him. He almost reached his destination. But alas, he was crushed to death by that ugly driver who was driving that humongous truck. He was lying there, bleeding profusely, his heart was still pumping, blood was still flowing through his veins, he still had enough voice to get heard. But no one called an ambulance, because it is a cardinal sin to help a good man, as a good man is born only to help and not to be helped. So everybody was happy because he was dying and stood as mute spectators and enjoyed the good man slowly dying a excruciatingly painful death. But now nobody remembers him nor does anyone cry for him, because he was alone in this world, living all by himself, not bothering anyone and that is why nobody cares if he was a good man. And what happened to the driver ? Nobody cares because he killed a good man and it is a sin to be a good man in this crooked world.