Sunday, October 18, 2015

Music of Happiness

Time and time again, when I walk down that road, I try to follow that music , which emanates from somewhere in between those woods. That music is the harbinger of happiness, joy and success. As I try to follow the music, and try to look for its source , the music let's me know that happiness is not something that is found in those piece of papers with the face of the king printed on it, nor it is found in the thick walls of the temple. But instead it is found somewhere, which is not known to many a living beings in this planet earth. I run and follow the music that has been fading away since years, and has been growing. But undaunted, I run , after that fading music to find the source. I ran through the dark woods and finally I realized, while running that music is the loudest in deep inside me. Happiness is something that emanates from deep inside of me and there is no point in running after it and trying to find it  elsewhere. The heart is the source of all the positivity and mind is the source of that music which symbolizes happiness. Since that day, I have never been sad.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

The fear of Unknown !

Time and time again, when I walk down that long known road, I don't see that sunshine which once used to brighten that otherwise dark road. I can't see those mountain like cloud cover, which once poured heavily and always clean those roads. Where are those birds gone, which once used to sing in those trees and play in those ponds? Neither I can see them, nor I can see those trees which used to provide shade to those squirrels, which were tired after playing all day with their partners. I cannot recognize those streets anymore, nor can I recognize the person I see on mirror everyday.   

Saturday, August 8, 2015


They thought he was alone,
They thought he was vulnerable,
They thought no one could save him, 
They thought he would be killed,
They thought he would suffer to death,
But they forgot that nature had other plans, and he was not alone as the skies and  clouds were with him, the water was there when he was thirsty, the stars, the sun and the moon gave him light when he needed it the most. It's the hope and the will to fight that got him going and mother nature showed that if she had the power to kill the strongest, then she also had the power to save the weakest.

Thursday, July 30, 2015


Time and time again, when I take that lane, which winds down from my house, I see that little kid. Though I could not see his face properly, the happy kid's smile makes me forget all the worries and all the pain. He is happy because he doesn't care if he has money in his pocket, doesn't care if he has a luxury car and also does not care if he has a big mansion or not. The sun shining bright on his face makes him happy, the crystal clear rain drops falling from the dark clouds make him happy, the sound of lightening which tears the silence apart, makes him happy. The birds that are chirping and the cats that are calling him to play makes him happy. That little child emanates a positive vibe which can heal all the pain in the world and can end all the hatred, that has engulfed the mankind.  As I walk down towards the child to see his face I could see it was reflection of me, a million years back.  The memory lane never seizes to amaze me.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

That walk

I woke up in the middle of the road only to find that the city was deserted. The long roads were all empty and sky was dark red. The sky was bleeding and the trees were shading crimson tears. The birds could sense the thunder that was on its way, to strike the city. The roads were dismantled and the buildings were all grounded. Inside the storm hid the king of lightnings. I waited there helplessly to see myself being engulfed in those dark red cloud cover.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Eternal Darkness

I still walk down that dark road and and my eyes still frantically look for you. May be they will never stop looking for you. We were not united this time, but there will be a time in the future when there will be no more distractions and we will live together, forever. I still remember those beautiful days when the sun used to shine bright and breeze was pleasant, you used to lie down on my chest and read my mind. While cuddling you, used to hear all those words, which you never said. While being busy with you, failed to notice those dark monstrous clouds. They came and engulfed the beautiful sun and he could never escape from the deadly jaws of the cloud. The clouds were so vicious that they extinguished every star in the sky, so that there was no more light. In that darkness I lost you forever. Then came the cyclone, blowing me away in an eternal darkness, from where there is no route to escape.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

My new house

I was suffering from an unknown disease. It was a deadly disease. Life lost hope and she decided to part her ways from me. My body was becoming a living hell for my life (my life's home was my body). My body was losing strength, the wall of my life's body that is my skin was getting peeled. My eyes were about to fall off from their sockets, I was bleeding profusely, and strength was leaking from everywhere, such lethal was that disease. My life was scared to live anymore in her age old home. From a distant star, came skilled and famous experts to fix my life's wretched house. But they could not fathom the reason behind my decaying body. Even after that my confidence was always high and somewhere deep in my mind I knew that sanity would prevail. Finally came "strength of bonding". Such lovely was her smile that I got my eyesight back, such beautiful was her voice my deafness was cured, such pleasant was her touch that my worn and burnt skin was back to normal again. With her magic wand she got my heart back to work and with the help of her, I convinced my life to stay back with me in her new renovated house and since then we are staying together.

Death of my Mind

Time and time again , I start walking down that dark and gloomy road , trying to find the source of light, which is piercing the eternal darkness of my life. I start walking towards the end of the dark road, hoping to get to the brighter side, but the forward I move the darker it gets. The path is such that I cannot turn back, nor will they allow me to do. Who are this "they" ? Don't ask me that, as even I am trying to find the answer. So will I ever see the light ? My mind used to tell me yes, but now that she has gone, there is no one, anymore to encourage me to move forward. Where did she go ? Nobody knows that, but I do. When I tried to find her once, I found her dead, lying on the dark road. Neither could I feel happy, nor could I feel sad. They said, I have become "mind"less.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Lovestory of Life and Body

Life was always arrogant and one day smirked at body "If I am not there, you are nothing without me, you cannot move, see or listen anything. You won't even exist and the parasites will feast on you, while you decay". Body was calm,as always, looked back at life and smiled. She took a brief pause and said "If I am not there do you have any place to stay and do you even have any identity ? ". Since then, they have been living peacefully, as they both knew the world will be a dark place for them without each other.